Top experts in internal medicine, surgery, radiology, pathology, and nuclear medicine treat various thyroid diseases such as hyperthyroidism, benign thyroid nodules, and thyroid cancer.
The Thyroid Center operates a one-step thyroid nodule clinic that conducts ultrasound examinations on the day of outpatient treatment and, if necessary, a needle test at once.
Thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer are diseases that should be wary of excessive diagnosis and over-treatment. Our medical staff do not conduct unnecessary tests and treatments.
Instead, it accurately identifies the progress of the current disease, consults the patient sufficiently to find the most appropriate method for each patient, including simple follow-up, high-frequency treatment, alcohol therapy, surgery, and so on.
We will be the thyroid center of Ewha Medical Center, which considers not only your thyroid but also your health and happiness in the future.